In honor of the Black culture’s history of creatively changing the spelling of common words, ‘AQUME’ [pronounced /ack-me/] stems from of the word ‘acme’ which means the highest point at which someone or something is best, perfect, or most successful. Excellence is exactly what we strive for when serving our black communities.
Founded in 2021, AQUME Foundation is a Black-led foundation established as a systemic level response to the glaring national disparities in wealth and resources between white and black communities. As a result, we focus on economic justice by providing opportunities for the black community to learn about and establish intergenerational wealth through philanthropy, estate planning, workshops, and networking while integrating our core values of equity, financial investment, accountability, and community transformation.
AQUME Foundation will provide grant funding and extensive resources to benefit the black community as we experience severe and pervasive disparities in quality of life outcomes due to generations of systemic oppression via racially biased policy and resource allocation. AQUME Foundation will also work with government and community leaders to develop viable solutions to these issues.